Monday, November 06, 2006

Ted Haggard - New Life Church

What should our response be to Ted Haggard's admission of sexual immorality?

1. Pray for Ted, his family, and New Life Church. More than condemnation, they need grace and support. Pray for healing and restoration in his life.

2. Be careful that we don't fall into sin. Gal. 6:1 "Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted." Maybe we don't struggle with the sins Ted admitted to, but we should not think that we are exempt from vile sins.

Have a great week.
Pastor Larry

P.S. Ted Haggard's wife Gayle spoke at Grace a few years ago when we hosted Ministers Fellowship.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Our Glokal Priority

There is a new term circulating in churches today. It is the word glokal, a combination of the words local and global. It describes our evengelistic targets geographically. Our foreign missions strategy at Grace has been to partner with Christian missionaries and Christian mission agencies to reach those people who have never heard the gospel message. The current missionaries and mission agencies that we support do not exclusively emphasize Mennonite distinctives. As a matter of fact some of them do not share our Mennonite beliefs at all.

Historically we have not had a strict theological criteria in supporting missionaries and mission agencies. We simply recognize that the gospel is central to all theology. We want to reach as many people as possible with the gospel. If the gospel is central in our foreign missions strategy, and we don't make strict adherence to Mennonite beliefs a test of whether we partner with missionaries and mission agencies, then why would we use a different strategy here in North America?Why not place the same value and priority on simply reaching as many people with the gospel as possible as we do oversees?

My sense is that we (Mennonite churches in this community) want to compartmentalize our foreign mission strategy from our local outreach strategy. When it comes to the home front, we are tempted to shift our priority to preserving our Mennonite distinctives rather than aggressively preaching Christ (ie reaching as many people as possible) like we do in foreign missions.

My Conclusion:
All Christians will spend eternity in heaven. I believe that only one heaven exists. Yet, often we live like there are going to be multiple heavens. "There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism…" (Eph. 4:4-6). Too often we practice spiritual segregation within the body of Christ. We don't associate with certain Christians and Evangelical groups based on cultural preferences, and spiritual convictions that are not salvific. Fellowship is broken because we cannot agree on "disputable matters" (Rom. 14:1). What are we going to do in heaven with all of the people that don't believe like we do as Mennonites? We are going to worship God together and spend all of eternity together. If we are guided by an eternal perspective, it would seem appropriate to relate to each other now the way we will relate to each other in heaven.Living out the Christian faith will vary according to interpretation and application. The key is to know what is negotiable (what are disputable matters) and what isn't.

Pastor Larry

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A Man Called Daddy

Hey, hope you are doing well. It has been a while since I have posted anything. I have a few thoughts about Daddy's. I am amazed how many people long for their daddies approval. Many, many people are unconsciously driven to prove that they are worthy of their Daddy's blessing and approval. I have seen it in my own life and observed it in the lives of others.

Why would God trust earthly fathers with so much power and influence? God wants us to know him intimately, and he has revealed himself to us primarily as a Father. That is why I am so excited about the letters from Dad writing campaign. It is an intentional way to leverage the power of a father. Call the church office to sign up. The community is welcome to participate.

Well, what if someone doesn't have a father because of adoption or separation or death? Then what? Accept it and move on! Not at all. Two things that I would suggest. First, I would encourage anyone who has lost a father to write a tribute of blessing to him. Even if your experience was painful, put your feelings on paper. Get them out, write them down as a way of working through it. This exercise will help foster healing and closure for you. Forgive your Daddy and choose to bless him.

Secondly, I would say if you know of someone who doesn't have a father, and longs for blessing and affirmation, encourage them to contact me. Our church is full of men who can provide a spiritual covering and blessing for grown children who never received it from their Daddy's.

Have a good day.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Fasting Day 40

Our Good Friday and Easter services were great. The attendance and response was terrific. I ended my fast last Thursday. I am slowly beginning to eat again.

Here are several things that I discovered on my fast. I found myself thinking about people all over the world that cannot eat because they have no food. Fasting for me is an option. For many people they have no choice but to go without food or water. I am more aware of world hunger and am praying for these people.

I was amazed at how much better food tastes. My senses are sharper and more sensitive.

Fasting fostered more of a tender spirit in me. I found myself easily moved to tears at social injustices and national crises.

I am more inclined to live one day at a time. Yea, I am still goal oriented (gettrdone), but I am more content to enjoy today. Relax, take a deep breath and thank God that today is beautiful.

Thank you for your support and encouragement during my fast. Keep praying that my "temple" would bring glory to God in the way I care for it. I am planning several stand alone messages in May and will start another series in June.

Pastor Larry

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Fasting Day 33

I had a good day. I am now in my last week of fasting. What a ride! At times I am sad that it is going by so quickly. I have thoroughly enjoyed pulling away from food and drawing closer to God. I realize how easily I turn to food for comfort instead of to God for strength. I am more tender in my spirit and patient in my attitude. God's pruning isn't always pleasant, but it is necessary. I am looking forward to passion week and Easter.

Passion week was the hardest week in Jesus' life. They cheered him on Palm Sunday and crucified him on Good Friday. I am praying that God will help me understand the magnitude of what Jesus did on the cross. Join me in fasting and praying during passion week. For God to take us deeper in Him.

Praise God for the cradle (Christmas), the cross (Good Friday), and the crown (Resurrection Sunday).

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Fasting Day 29

We made it home safely. Just before we left for home, we toured New Orleans. Wow! Rubble, destruction and helplessness. Of the 500,000 people that lived in New Orleans, only 150,000 are living there now. We went to the French Quarter for a tea and a tour. The city is a cultural melting pot. I was grieved though, to see how much vudoo, witchcraft, and decadence was present in the city. So many people need Jesus in that place. On our way out of town, we stopped and bought 125 lb. of fresh shrimp.

It took us 14 hours to drive back to Holmes County. On US 62 we stopped and asked an old order Amishman of he wanted some shrimp. He replied, "how tall is he?" We decided to keep the shrimp.

My experience in Mississippi was a good one. There is nothing better than pouring out our lives for the sake of others. My heart was encouraged to simply keep our eyes on Jesus.

Pastor Larry

Friday, March 31, 2006

Fasting Day 28

I had an awesome day yesterday. We spent the day ministering to people. We talked to a shrimper who owns a big boat and catches and sells shrimp for a living. His boat sustained minor damage during Katrina. When he saw the storm coming he got into the boat and headed for the water. In his words, the safest place for a boat in a storm is on the water. Most of the boats that were damaged were docked in the harbor. Amazing! The shrimping industry is coming to an end in this area due to high fuel prices, no ice, wreckage in the water up to six miles out, etc. It was sad to hear this guy say that with tears in his eyes. Shrimping is his passion.

We stopped at the mayors office and prayed over the city officials. They are believers and appreciated the visit. We prayed for a number of other people who lost everything. We gave out Jesus Video DVD's. People were very open to talk and receptive of the literature we had to give them.

People are doing the best they can with what they have. We visited a retail convenient store where a little boy was sleeping under the counter in a little box. Places of business have become temporary housing for people.

Most of the people simply need encouragement, to press on and trust Jesus. We are going to New Orleans this morning and heading home this afternoon. Have a great day.

Pastor Larry

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fasting Day 27

I am in Golf Port Mississippi working and doing ministry. Yesterday was good. I hung drywall all day. A little sore this morning. Seeing the devastation of hurricane Katrina is life changing. People are more open to spiritual things. Many people are trying to decide whether to rebuild or relocate. Today we are doing surveys in the community with people that are in transition. I am praying for opportunities to share Jesus.

I am still on my fast. God has been teaching me to depend on him more for strength and direction. So often I am driven by pure ambition rather than being led by the Holy Spirit. Ambition and drive are good attributes to have, but we can easily do things without any leading from God.

I will write more tomorrow. Check back.

Larry K.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Fasting Day 4

I feel weak and irritable, but happy in God. Last night Kendra and I went to the Hiland boys game. They won. It was a good game, but I really didn't enjoy it very much. The benches were hard, and the crowd was loud. The things that provide pleasure and satisfaction are beginning to wane. I am more focused on God. Being content in Him.

I started memorizing Colossians 3. "Since, then, you have been raise with Christ, set your hearts on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

I want a greater desire for the things of God. I want my passion for God to be greater than food, greater than sports, greater than sex, greater than higher education, greater than money, and greater than preaching a good sermon.

My prayer today: God, create a hunger in me that is consumed with knowing you.


Monday, March 06, 2006

Fasting Day 1

Who said fasting was easy? Launching an extended fast is always the hardest part, but, I am committed. I want to hear God in new ways. I want to seek him with a stronger passion. I am going to focus on memorizing a chapter in the Bible during this fast. I am still praying about which one.

Last night my body was screaming for some caffeinated coffee and a piece of Kendra's strawberry pie. I refrained. I didn't need my usual nap on Sunday. It seems that my body doesn't demand as much sleep when I am not eating. I took Sammy and the girls to Walmart, we bought a gold fish. It was a good day.

If you are fasting, journal your thoughts. As God brings insights into your life, write them down for further reflection. Let me know how you are doing.

Pastor Larry

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Observing Lent

Originating in the fourth century of the church, the season of Lent spans 40 weekdays beginning on Ash Wednesday and climaxing during Holy Week with Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday), Good Friday, and concluding Saturday before Easter.

Lent is a season of soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and introspection. Lent originated in the very earliest days of the Church as a preparatory time for Easter, when Christians rededicated themselves to God.

Perhaps during this Lenten season we should stop praying for others and start praying and fasting for ourselves. Maybe we should take off our righteous robes just long enough during this 40 days to put ashes on our own heads, to come before God with a new humility that is willing to confess, "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner."

My plea in these 40 days of Lent is that we would hunger for God with the same kind of intensity that we hunger for food. Let the Fasting begin.

Pastor Larry
"Lord, in my hand no price I bring; simply to the cross I cling."

Monday, February 27, 2006

Fasting for Finances

God said through Isaiah the prophet, "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen...To share your food with the hungry" Isa. 58:6a & 7a.

Financial stress is a leading cause for conflict in marriage relationships. Consumerism easily tempts us to believe that things and possessions will make us happy. Fasting for your finances is a powerful way of getting on "track" in your spending and financial discipline. Stewardship is different than ownership in that everything belongs to God. I am simply a manager of His estate. It is more than simply being financially responsible because my financial decisions are guided by a personal relationship with God.

Don't use this kind of fast to get "rich" but to realign yourself with God's purposes for your finances. You might ask, "what are God's purposes for trusting me with financial resources?"
One purpose is to help someone who has a need. It may be your neighbor, a friend, or someone you don't even know.

When you are faithful with a little responsibility, God trusts you with more. The key is to maintain a lifestyle that is simple enough, so that when you do get that raise, or receive additional revenue, you will be in a position to give it to kingdom work. When you see yourself as a funnel that God can use to bless people who need help, lookout.

Have a great day.
Pastor Larry

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Fasting for Your Marriage

A second reason to consider an extended fast is to increase intimacy in your marriage. Use this part of Isaiah 58 as you pray and fast for your marriage "to untie the cords of the yoke". "Cords of the yoke" are those unhealthy patterns of relating to each other that block intimacy in your marriage. This kind of fast focuses on tearing down the walls that block intimacy. This can be painful, but result is worth it.

Fasting for your marriage will increase your intimacy quotient. While fasting does not preclude you from identifying things you need to work on, it will make you more sensitive to your spouse and teachable in the hands of God.

Allow me to caution you if you are planning to fast for your marriage. In the initial stages of an extended fast, it isn't uncommon for someone to get a bit edgy and grumpy. Your body is adjusting to not eating. Be careful that your fast doesn't become counter productive to what you are trying to achieve. :)

Have a great day.
Pastor Larry

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Fasting for a Spiritual Breakthrough

Studies have shown that fasting has many physical benefits. Fasting can lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, it can provide relief from arthritis, it can help you loose weight, it can improve your mental and emotional outlook on life. Here are three different kinds of fasts that you may want to consider.

Three Kinds of Fasting
1. The normal fast is going without food for a defined period of time. It can be for a day or for 40 days.

2. The absolute fast is going without food and water, but should only be for a short period of time.

3. The partial fast is where you refrain from eating specific meals and/or certain foods.
Fasting to Break an Addiction
If you have an addiction that has mastery over you, consider fasting as a way to break it. Isaiah 58:6 says, "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of wickedness and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?"
Declare a fast to overcome a specific sin in your life. I encourage you to start with a three day fast where you drink only liquids. Renounce anything that has control over your mind. Ask God to help you break free through the power of the Holy Spirit. Cry out daily for deliverance. Forgive anyone you have blamed and accept responsibility for your actions. Spend time meditating on the truth of Scripture. Imagine what your life would be like without this sin to weigh you down. Keep a record of your prayers and feelings as you fast.
Let me know how I can pray and support you. I will post another type of fast on Tuesday.
Pastor Larry

Friday, February 17, 2006

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