Monday, March 06, 2006

Fasting Day 1

Who said fasting was easy? Launching an extended fast is always the hardest part, but, I am committed. I want to hear God in new ways. I want to seek him with a stronger passion. I am going to focus on memorizing a chapter in the Bible during this fast. I am still praying about which one.

Last night my body was screaming for some caffeinated coffee and a piece of Kendra's strawberry pie. I refrained. I didn't need my usual nap on Sunday. It seems that my body doesn't demand as much sleep when I am not eating. I took Sammy and the girls to Walmart, we bought a gold fish. It was a good day.

If you are fasting, journal your thoughts. As God brings insights into your life, write them down for further reflection. Let me know how you are doing.

Pastor Larry