Friday, March 31, 2006

Fasting Day 28

I had an awesome day yesterday. We spent the day ministering to people. We talked to a shrimper who owns a big boat and catches and sells shrimp for a living. His boat sustained minor damage during Katrina. When he saw the storm coming he got into the boat and headed for the water. In his words, the safest place for a boat in a storm is on the water. Most of the boats that were damaged were docked in the harbor. Amazing! The shrimping industry is coming to an end in this area due to high fuel prices, no ice, wreckage in the water up to six miles out, etc. It was sad to hear this guy say that with tears in his eyes. Shrimping is his passion.

We stopped at the mayors office and prayed over the city officials. They are believers and appreciated the visit. We prayed for a number of other people who lost everything. We gave out Jesus Video DVD's. People were very open to talk and receptive of the literature we had to give them.

People are doing the best they can with what they have. We visited a retail convenient store where a little boy was sleeping under the counter in a little box. Places of business have become temporary housing for people.

Most of the people simply need encouragement, to press on and trust Jesus. We are going to New Orleans this morning and heading home this afternoon. Have a great day.

Pastor Larry