Thursday, April 06, 2006

Fasting Day 33

I had a good day. I am now in my last week of fasting. What a ride! At times I am sad that it is going by so quickly. I have thoroughly enjoyed pulling away from food and drawing closer to God. I realize how easily I turn to food for comfort instead of to God for strength. I am more tender in my spirit and patient in my attitude. God's pruning isn't always pleasant, but it is necessary. I am looking forward to passion week and Easter.

Passion week was the hardest week in Jesus' life. They cheered him on Palm Sunday and crucified him on Good Friday. I am praying that God will help me understand the magnitude of what Jesus did on the cross. Join me in fasting and praying during passion week. For God to take us deeper in Him.

Praise God for the cradle (Christmas), the cross (Good Friday), and the crown (Resurrection Sunday).