Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Fasting for Your Marriage

A second reason to consider an extended fast is to increase intimacy in your marriage. Use this part of Isaiah 58 as you pray and fast for your marriage "to untie the cords of the yoke". "Cords of the yoke" are those unhealthy patterns of relating to each other that block intimacy in your marriage. This kind of fast focuses on tearing down the walls that block intimacy. This can be painful, but result is worth it.

Fasting for your marriage will increase your intimacy quotient. While fasting does not preclude you from identifying things you need to work on, it will make you more sensitive to your spouse and teachable in the hands of God.

Allow me to caution you if you are planning to fast for your marriage. In the initial stages of an extended fast, it isn't uncommon for someone to get a bit edgy and grumpy. Your body is adjusting to not eating. Be careful that your fast doesn't become counter productive to what you are trying to achieve. :)

Have a great day.
Pastor Larry