Monday, February 27, 2006

Fasting for Finances

God said through Isaiah the prophet, "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen...To share your food with the hungry" Isa. 58:6a & 7a.

Financial stress is a leading cause for conflict in marriage relationships. Consumerism easily tempts us to believe that things and possessions will make us happy. Fasting for your finances is a powerful way of getting on "track" in your spending and financial discipline. Stewardship is different than ownership in that everything belongs to God. I am simply a manager of His estate. It is more than simply being financially responsible because my financial decisions are guided by a personal relationship with God.

Don't use this kind of fast to get "rich" but to realign yourself with God's purposes for your finances. You might ask, "what are God's purposes for trusting me with financial resources?"
One purpose is to help someone who has a need. It may be your neighbor, a friend, or someone you don't even know.

When you are faithful with a little responsibility, God trusts you with more. The key is to maintain a lifestyle that is simple enough, so that when you do get that raise, or receive additional revenue, you will be in a position to give it to kingdom work. When you see yourself as a funnel that God can use to bless people who need help, lookout.

Have a great day.
Pastor Larry