Tuesday, February 27, 2007

India Day 8

We arrived in Mumbai a day before our second conference was to start. Mumbai is a city of 22 million people. Packed and stacked on top of each other. Traffic is horrific, smog is terrible, and the heat is unbelievable. They put us in a hotel that was expensive and not so nice. We met with the team in the evening...and decided that I should go to Bangalore to help there. The Mumbai team had plenty of guys to teach, and the Bangalore team was a little thin. So we bought tickets, slept for 2 hours and flew to Bangalore. We arrived at 5am. Let's just say I am a little tired. I thought of the vere that says, "many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the purpose of God that prevails."

Chris is somewhat sick, and not feeling good. Pray for him. We will finish up on Thursday and fly back to Mumbai. Keep us in your prayers.
