Monday, February 19, 2007

India Day 2

Got culture shock? Yea, a little. I arrived yesterday. My flight was long and never ending with several delays. I had yesterday to recover. I will be starting the 3 day pastors conference this morning...we are 10.5 hrs. ahead of you. As I was waiting for my connecting flight in Mumbai, I had this uncomfortable feeling. I was the only foreigner, I can't speak the language, alone, tired and couldn't sleep. There were wguys working int he airport cutting granite. All of the noise and dust gave me a headache. I was a little grumpy.

The team has wonderfully welcomed me here in Inodore. They lavished me with flowers and greetings. I am looking forward to forming new relationships. The weather is mild. I am rested and ready to getrdone. More tomorrow.
