Tuesday, February 20, 2007

India Day 3

It is evening here and morning there. I woke up early to prepare for the day. The driver picked me up and we went to the conference venue. Minor miracle that we didn't crash on the way. It was important to get a strong start. I was so happy when I met the first translator. I had been praying that it would be someone who is good, and fits my style of communication. This dude can getter done. PTL

The 1st day went well as a whole. I had a carefully crafted missionary joke to start things off. I was told they love humor. Yikes, nobody laughed. Kind of the same respose I get at home. I ate with the natives, something they aren't used to. Usually foreigners fly in and fly out without a lot of "real" contact with the people. So typical.

By the end of the day I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I had a little time to rest, then several fellows took me on a tour of the city. It seems that everytime we stopped somewhere, they bought me something to eat.

Hindu weddings are a big deal. We saw many processions (long lines of people, animals, lights, and lots of music and hupula) where the groom was on an elephant or horse riding to the brides home. It seems the attention is on the groom. She waits until he gets there and then I am not sure what happens next.

I am picking Chris up at the airport Wed. night. He has been delayed in coming becuase of his VISA. I am excited to have him with me.
