Sunday, February 25, 2007

India Day 7

It is Sunday here. We had an awesome day. We went to a brethern church in the morning. It was a church of about 100 people. The people were warm, close, educated, and many were fluent in English. They invited me to have the message. I really enjoyed the expereince. After church, we had lunch with a few friends.

At 4pm we attended another church service. This was a mainline church. It was more formal, and a little stiff. They also invited me to speak. It was good to be there. We capped our last day off by attending a post purpose driven church conference celebration.

All of the leaders and coordiantors of the event were there. I gave some final thoughts and shared a challenged the pastors to work together to reach India for Christ. We ate some more great food.

One of the pastors I met was a young guy. As we started talking, we discovered we have a lot in common. He pastors a "white church" (name stuck since the British days). He has twin boys 1 yr. old. His wife is a pastors kid. His congregation is about the size of ours.

We are leaving for Mumbai in the morning (Monday). We will doing another 3 day purpose driven church conference there. Thanks for praying.
