Saturday, February 24, 2007

India Day 6

Today we traveled to view an ancient Palace/Fortress where a powerful Muslim King lived and ruled the Kingdom. It took about 3 hours to drive there. We had a Muslim tour guide.
Facinating to hear the history and see the ruins.

One of the cultural differences that I notice is the drive to be productive. Don't get me wrong, these people are productive, they just don't sacrifice relationships for it like Americans do. They start the day later than we do, and end by eating dinner between 8:00 -9:00pm.

After a nice meal, we sit and enjoy each others company with meaningful converstation. Indian culture is very hospitalable. The way they communicate respect is by feeding and entertaining people in their homes. As you travel around the city in the evening, thousands and thousands of people are out sitting by the streets in little huddles talking and conversing about whatever. I think it confirms our longings for fellowship and friendship.
