Tuesday, February 27, 2007

India Day 8

We arrived in Mumbai a day before our second conference was to start. Mumbai is a city of 22 million people. Packed and stacked on top of each other. Traffic is horrific, smog is terrible, and the heat is unbelievable. They put us in a hotel that was expensive and not so nice. We met with the team in the evening...and decided that I should go to Bangalore to help there. The Mumbai team had plenty of guys to teach, and the Bangalore team was a little thin. So we bought tickets, slept for 2 hours and flew to Bangalore. We arrived at 5am. Let's just say I am a little tired. I thought of the vere that says, "many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the purpose of God that prevails."

Chris is somewhat sick, and not feeling good. Pray for him. We will finish up on Thursday and fly back to Mumbai. Keep us in your prayers.


Sunday, February 25, 2007

India Day 7

It is Sunday here. We had an awesome day. We went to a brethern church in the morning. It was a church of about 100 people. The people were warm, close, educated, and many were fluent in English. They invited me to have the message. I really enjoyed the expereince. After church, we had lunch with a few friends.

At 4pm we attended another church service. This was a mainline church. It was more formal, and a little stiff. They also invited me to speak. It was good to be there. We capped our last day off by attending a post purpose driven church conference celebration.

All of the leaders and coordiantors of the event were there. I gave some final thoughts and shared a challenged the pastors to work together to reach India for Christ. We ate some more great food.

One of the pastors I met was a young guy. As we started talking, we discovered we have a lot in common. He pastors a "white church" (name stuck since the British days). He has twin boys 1 yr. old. His wife is a pastors kid. His congregation is about the size of ours.

We are leaving for Mumbai in the morning (Monday). We will doing another 3 day purpose driven church conference there. Thanks for praying.


Saturday, February 24, 2007

India Day 6

Today we traveled to view an ancient Palace/Fortress where a powerful Muslim King lived and ruled the Kingdom. It took about 3 hours to drive there. We had a Muslim tour guide.
Facinating to hear the history and see the ruins.

One of the cultural differences that I notice is the drive to be productive. Don't get me wrong, these people are productive, they just don't sacrifice relationships for it like Americans do. They start the day later than we do, and end by eating dinner between 8:00 -9:00pm.

After a nice meal, we sit and enjoy each others company with meaningful converstation. Indian culture is very hospitalable. The way they communicate respect is by feeding and entertaining people in their homes. As you travel around the city in the evening, thousands and thousands of people are out sitting by the streets in little huddles talking and conversing about whatever. I think it confirms our longings for fellowship and friendship.


Friday, February 23, 2007

India Day 5

I finished the pastors conference today. I was pleased with the response and feedback. We ended the conference by commissioning pastors to lead their churches. It was awesome! Many of the participants came and wanted me to pray for God's blessing on their lives. I kind of felt like the Pope.

They honored me with a token remembrance from the city of Indore. I really felt the presence of God in their humility and thankfulness. What an honor to serve these precious people.

Chris spent the day touring the city with some of the YWAM workers. I am tired, but happy for the opportunity to pour into these people.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

India Day 4

The pastors conference will end today. I want to finish strong. Yesterday went well. I intentionally had more interaction. I felt more connected. Many pastors asked questions and shared insights into their culture.

I met the Billy Graham of India. Brother Raja is the national coordinator for India. A sweet, godly older man. I had been praying that God would give me one Indian leader to really connect with. I really felt a kindred spirit with this man.

We picked Chris up at the airport, ate supper at a friends house, had tea, and got to bed at midnight. My body and mind are exhuasted.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

India Day 3

It is evening here and morning there. I woke up early to prepare for the day. The driver picked me up and we went to the conference venue. Minor miracle that we didn't crash on the way. It was important to get a strong start. I was so happy when I met the first translator. I had been praying that it would be someone who is good, and fits my style of communication. This dude can getter done. PTL

The 1st day went well as a whole. I had a carefully crafted missionary joke to start things off. I was told they love humor. Yikes, nobody laughed. Kind of the same respose I get at home. I ate with the natives, something they aren't used to. Usually foreigners fly in and fly out without a lot of "real" contact with the people. So typical.

By the end of the day I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I had a little time to rest, then several fellows took me on a tour of the city. It seems that everytime we stopped somewhere, they bought me something to eat.

Hindu weddings are a big deal. We saw many processions (long lines of people, animals, lights, and lots of music and hupula) where the groom was on an elephant or horse riding to the brides home. It seems the attention is on the groom. She waits until he gets there and then I am not sure what happens next.

I am picking Chris up at the airport Wed. night. He has been delayed in coming becuase of his VISA. I am excited to have him with me.


Monday, February 19, 2007

India Day 2

Got culture shock? Yea, a little. I arrived yesterday. My flight was long and never ending with several delays. I had yesterday to recover. I will be starting the 3 day pastors conference this morning...we are 10.5 hrs. ahead of you. As I was waiting for my connecting flight in Mumbai, I had this uncomfortable feeling. I was the only foreigner, I can't speak the language, alone, tired and couldn't sleep. There were wguys working int he airport cutting granite. All of the noise and dust gave me a headache. I was a little grumpy.

The team has wonderfully welcomed me here in Inodore. They lavished me with flowers and greetings. I am looking forward to forming new relationships. The weather is mild. I am rested and ready to getrdone. More tomorrow.
