Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Fasting Day 40

Our Good Friday and Easter services were great. The attendance and response was terrific. I ended my fast last Thursday. I am slowly beginning to eat again.

Here are several things that I discovered on my fast. I found myself thinking about people all over the world that cannot eat because they have no food. Fasting for me is an option. For many people they have no choice but to go without food or water. I am more aware of world hunger and am praying for these people.

I was amazed at how much better food tastes. My senses are sharper and more sensitive.

Fasting fostered more of a tender spirit in me. I found myself easily moved to tears at social injustices and national crises.

I am more inclined to live one day at a time. Yea, I am still goal oriented (gettrdone), but I am more content to enjoy today. Relax, take a deep breath and thank God that today is beautiful.

Thank you for your support and encouragement during my fast. Keep praying that my "temple" would bring glory to God in the way I care for it. I am planning several stand alone messages in May and will start another series in June.

Pastor Larry

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Fasting Day 33

I had a good day. I am now in my last week of fasting. What a ride! At times I am sad that it is going by so quickly. I have thoroughly enjoyed pulling away from food and drawing closer to God. I realize how easily I turn to food for comfort instead of to God for strength. I am more tender in my spirit and patient in my attitude. God's pruning isn't always pleasant, but it is necessary. I am looking forward to passion week and Easter.

Passion week was the hardest week in Jesus' life. They cheered him on Palm Sunday and crucified him on Good Friday. I am praying that God will help me understand the magnitude of what Jesus did on the cross. Join me in fasting and praying during passion week. For God to take us deeper in Him.

Praise God for the cradle (Christmas), the cross (Good Friday), and the crown (Resurrection Sunday).

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Fasting Day 29

We made it home safely. Just before we left for home, we toured New Orleans. Wow! Rubble, destruction and helplessness. Of the 500,000 people that lived in New Orleans, only 150,000 are living there now. We went to the French Quarter for a tea and a tour. The city is a cultural melting pot. I was grieved though, to see how much vudoo, witchcraft, and decadence was present in the city. So many people need Jesus in that place. On our way out of town, we stopped and bought 125 lb. of fresh shrimp.

It took us 14 hours to drive back to Holmes County. On US 62 we stopped and asked an old order Amishman of he wanted some shrimp. He replied, "how tall is he?" We decided to keep the shrimp.

My experience in Mississippi was a good one. There is nothing better than pouring out our lives for the sake of others. My heart was encouraged to simply keep our eyes on Jesus.

Pastor Larry