Thursday, May 17, 2007

Mission Possible!

Is this some cruel joke, or is it possible for husbands to understand their wives? The answer is yes! If God commands husbands to understand their wives (I Pet. 3:7), then we know it is possible. I am amazed at how strong this longing is in women, and how much men seem to struggle to do it.

Husbands, I think it starts with a commitment to try. Make it your daily prayer, "God help me to understand my wife." Schedule "alone time" together. I believe that time together is a prerequisite to husbands understanding their wives. We won't get to know our wives intimately with a mini van full of kids on the way to a ball game.

Wives, what are some helpful ideas you could share with husbands that would help them work at understanding you? Men, what are some things you have done that have worked effectively?

Send me an email with your thoughts.
