Thursday, March 15, 2007

India Wrap Up

We made it home safely. I was glad to see Kendra and the kids. It has been a little over a week since I returned. I have been somewhat surprised at how long it has taken me to get back into a routine. I seem to be up and down emotionally. I have been thinking a lot about my expereince and how it has impacted me. Here are a few thoughts.

I am more content. While I have always despised the American dream (big house, new cars, nice wife, two kids, and a safe life), I am more thankful for God's provisions for our family. It seems strange that it takes a visit to a third world country to achieve this.

I am more focused. I want my life to count for eternity. My commitments (Christ follower, marriage, father, leader, pastor) are stronger, my priorities are clearer, my motivation is sharper. I don't want to live a status quo kind of life. When I give an account for my life before God, I want to hear him say, "well done."

I am more concerned. My burden for lost people has quadrupled. Lost people in our community. Lost people in India. Lost people all over the world. I carry images of lost people (I see their faces) in my mental wallet. I cannot forget them. Who is going to reach them?

I have a bigger view of God. Seeing another part of the world has increased my view of the the greatness of God. The world is so large, and there are so many people, and so many cultures, and so many birds and cows and rats and pigs and animals and plants and...did I mention people? God knows every detail. He created every detail. He is actively engaged in managing every detail. Yea, I trust him with every detail in my life.

I have a fear. I am more concerned than ever about raising five children in a place like Holmes County. Oh, don't get me wrong, it is a great community. There are benefits but also challenges. The challenge is to raise our kids to care about people that have never heard the gospel. The danger is spiritual apathy.

Larry Kaufman

Saturday, March 03, 2007

India Day 9, 10, 11

We arrived in Bangalore early Tuesday morning (5:30am). I got a few hours of sleep and headed for the purpose driven conference venue. The first day went fairly well. I was really tired in the evening. For supper we went to pizza hut. I woke up the next day and felt sick to my stomach. Of course, after we ate "American" food. I taught the first hour and a half session and couldn't do anymore. I was about to faint.

They took me back to my room where I groaned and vomited for the rest of the day. Chris did a great job of looking out for me. I made a few calls, sent a few emails asking people at home to pray for me. The next morning I woke up and felt weak, but my vomiting and other stuff stopped. Honestly, I believe that God touched my stomach. I was able to teach the entire last day of the conference. We finished strong. Thanks for praying.

This was the 3rd major city that we visited. It has been such a great honor to meet and encourage the believers here. I have gained many friends and will be able to network with pastors from each of the major cities.

We are on our way to Goa, the last stop for before we head back to the US. This part of our trip is to spend two days touring and visiting a beautiful part of India. We hope to connect with several pastors there. They just recently had a PDC there also.

I am ready to come home. I miss Kendra and the kids, our church, and American culture.
