Thursday, June 08, 2006

A Man Called Daddy

Hey, hope you are doing well. It has been a while since I have posted anything. I have a few thoughts about Daddy's. I am amazed how many people long for their daddies approval. Many, many people are unconsciously driven to prove that they are worthy of their Daddy's blessing and approval. I have seen it in my own life and observed it in the lives of others.

Why would God trust earthly fathers with so much power and influence? God wants us to know him intimately, and he has revealed himself to us primarily as a Father. That is why I am so excited about the letters from Dad writing campaign. It is an intentional way to leverage the power of a father. Call the church office to sign up. The community is welcome to participate.

Well, what if someone doesn't have a father because of adoption or separation or death? Then what? Accept it and move on! Not at all. Two things that I would suggest. First, I would encourage anyone who has lost a father to write a tribute of blessing to him. Even if your experience was painful, put your feelings on paper. Get them out, write them down as a way of working through it. This exercise will help foster healing and closure for you. Forgive your Daddy and choose to bless him.

Secondly, I would say if you know of someone who doesn't have a father, and longs for blessing and affirmation, encourage them to contact me. Our church is full of men who can provide a spiritual covering and blessing for grown children who never received it from their Daddy's.

Have a good day.